Chilled water energy measurement and monitoring services are carried out for a commercial building chiller system in Kuala Lumpur. This service is to provide continuous monitoring and data logging of the energy performances of 3 chillers for 3 weeks for auditing purposes.
- To provide chilled water energy measurement and monitoring services
- To provide 3 weeks monitoring data for 3 chillers
- Trend data of the chilled water flow rates
- Trend data of the chilled water supply and return temperatures
- Trend data of the cooling capacity in refrigerant ton (RT)
- Pipeline size: 8”
- Wall thickness: 6-8 mm
- Medium: Chilled water from chiller system
- Temperature: Approx. 6-13°C
- A suitable pipe section is identified as the point of measurement
- Pipe jacketing and insulation of the identified pipe section is removed for measurement purpose
- The calibrated ultrasonic heat meter is installed on the point of measurement
- The calibrated temperature sensors are installed on the supply and return pipeline for temperature measurements
- The measurement is set to 15 minutes log intervals
- Onsite maintenance and checking is carried out each week to ensure that the ultrasonic heat meter and temperature sensors are functioning and logging properly
- When the measurement period is concluded, the ultrasonic heat meter and temperature sensors are dismantled.
- The exposed pipeline is jacketed to the original state
- Pipeline is checked to ensure that there is no condensation after rejacketing
- Logged data and trend data are compiled and attached in the I-SYSTEM service report and delivered to the building management for documentation and auditing purposes