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MNR7-I Stainless Steel Magnetic Level Controller

Brand: BAMO
BAMO Mesures MNR7-I Stainless Steel Magnetic Level Controller, ISME Malaysia
  • AISI 316 L version
  • 1 to 4 changeover bistable contacts
  • No effects of foam, neither of vapours
  • Compatible with RTM: Reed-Chain with analogue output signal
Stem:   500 mm (standard) / 1,000 mm
Contact us for other options
Liquid density:  Min. 0.75: Float O.D. 91 mm;
Min. 0.85: Float O.D. 52 mm
Pressure limit:  Max. 25 bar at 20 °C
Ambient temperature:  -20 to +70 °C
Operating temperature:  -10 … +100 °C
Stem and fitting:  PVC, PPH or PVDF
Float:  PPH or PVDF
Head housing
PBT, glass fiber reinforced, IP65
Number:  1 to 4 bistable change-over contacts
Switching power:  60 VA / 220 V / 0.5 A
Connections:  Screw terminals
Cable gland M20 x1.5 (for cable Ø 5 to 9)
 Shortest gap:  100 mm between 2 contacts
 Accuracy:  ± 2 mm
Hysteresis:  8 mm
Floats:  Ø 52, height 88 mm; Density: Min. 0.85
Ø 91, height 110 mm; Density: Min. 0.75)
Upper dead zone:  ≥ 50 mm with float Ø 52
≥ 75 mm with float Ø 91
Lower dead zone:  ≥ 85 mm with float Ø 52
≥ 80 mm with float Ø 91
Connections:  Aluminum head housing, painted, IP 65
Cable gland M20 x1.5 (for cables Ø 5 to 9 mm)
Fittings:  BSP ½”
BSP 2”
Option: Flange DN100
Stem material:  AISI 316 L (DIN 1.4404)
Float material:  AISI 316 Ti (DIN 1.4571)
Fittings material:  AISI 316 Ti (DIN 1.4571)
Flange material: AISI 316 L (DIN 1.4404)

BAMO MNR7-I magnetic level controller can be used for level detection on liquids compatible with stainless steel. MNR7-I is suitable for liquids, not viscous, not clogging and free of suspended solid particles.

The Reed contacts inside the stem are actuated when the magnetic float passes in front of; Detection of up to 4 thresholds. The contacts are changeover and bistable: status reverses only when the float passes again in front of.

Terminals are in an aluminum housing, IP 65 (cable gland M20 x1.5); Wiring diagram is shown on the board inside. A nut limits the float movement at the stem end: by unscrewing the nut, the float is easily removed.

Tip: The 2 “connection model with Ø 52 mm float and the DN100 flange option, allow direct installation without removing the float.

Price indicated is for standard model only. Please contact us for other specifications.