V-Notch weir is an effective way to measure cleaner effluent for open channel flow measurement, eg. industrial discharge and sewage treatment plant effluent.
DO sensor are commonly used for field sampling and long-term monitoring applications along with DO meter, analyzer or control system. Optical DO sensors is called luminescent DO sensors or fluorescent sensors.
A gas turbine meter (volumeter) is commonly used in various industrial and commercial applications to measure the flow volume of nature gas and other gases.
Ultrasonic flow meter with thermal energy module is commonly used to measure the amount of energy generated and consumed in chilled and hot water for HVAC system; or energy management system in commercial buildings.
Chemical or water leakage can occur either by accident, negligence or incompetence. Industrial incidents like this cause damage to the storage facility and negatively impact the health and safety of employees.
Clamp-on ultrasonic flow meter is a non-intrusive option for flow measurement and ideal for retrofit; or when cutting into the pipe and plant shutdown are not allowed.