ISME Sdn Bhd has recently become aware that FLOWTECH, our authorized partner’s brand has been used without permission by another company.
These fraudulent activities includes:
- Misusing of FLOWTECH logo in a promotional brochure that advertise products that does not belong to FLOWTECH
- Misusing of ISME’s SPAN registration details extracted directly from SPAN website
Please beware of and take appropriate steps to guard against any such fraudulent activities, by distinguishing and checking the authenticity of ISME product through the I-SYSTEM void stickers, serial number and product tagplate.
The I-SYSTEM Void Sticker comes with a unique serial number in compliance to the ISO policy. This will protect your rights and enable the support and services covered in the I-SYSTEM Warranty.
Please do not hesitate to contact us at +603- 61311388 should you discover any suspicious activities or queries regarding our products.