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The amount of dissolved oxygen (DO) plays an important role in water quality and the livelihood of aquaculture. DO refers to the total amount of oxygen currently present in the water.

Measuring Dissolved Oxygen (DO) in Immersion Operation

The amount of dissolved oxygen (DO) plays an important role in water quality and the livelihood of aquaculture. DO refers to the total amount of oxygen currently present in the
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Paddle wheel flow meters are economical, simple to install and operate. It offers relatively wide flow range and wide flow range. However, it is sensitive to liquid impurities, such as air bubbles that can cause the rotor to stall or particles that can cause clogging.

Paddle Wheel Flow Meter for Solid Free Liquid

Paddle wheel flow meter uses the mechanical energy of liquid to rotate a paddle wheel in the flow stream. The rate of spin will be proportional to the velocity of
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We recently collaborated with our client to develop a turbidity test skid for a R&D facility specializing in water quality research in Malaysia

Turbidity Test Skid Solution Provided for R&D Facility

We recently collaborated with our client to develop a turbidity test skid for an advanced R&D facility specializing in water quality research in Malaysia. Our scope of work encompassed the delivery of
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I-SYSTEM Void Sticker with 1+1 Warranty, ISME Sdn Bhd Malaysia

Beware of Misuse or Impersonation of ISME Sdn Bhd Brands and Partners

ISME Sdn Bhd has recently become aware that FLOWTECH, our authorized partner’s brand has been used without permission by another company. These fraudulent activities includes: Misusing of FLOWTECH logo in
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The DOE monitors the quality of natural water bodies using a network of monitoring stations across the country.

Parameters for National Water Quality Standards of Malaysia

The National Water Quality Standards (NWQS) for Malaysia use a range of physical, chemical, and biological parameters to assess water quality.
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MLSS plays a critical role in the efficiency and effectiveness of the activated sludge process in wastewater treatment.

Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids (MLSS) in Wastewater Treatment

MLSS stands for Mixed Liquor Suspended Solids, which refers to the concentration of suspended solids in the aeration tank during the activated sludge process.
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