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Amperometric Sensors Measuring Cell

Brand: BAMO
BAMO Mesures Amperometric Sensors Measuring Cell, ISME Malaysia
  • For amperometric sensors and/or electrodes pH, ORP, conductivity
  • Up to 3 parameters on the same measuring cell
  • Operating pressure up to 6 bar
  • Operating temperature up to 80°C
  • Flow limit controller
  • Flow rate adjustment with a needle valve
  • Outlet valve for sampling
Models:  DF01-H: 1 x Ø 25 amperometric sensor
DF20-H: 2 x PG 13.5 electrodes
DF21-H: 1 x Ø 25 amperometric sensor ; 2 x PG 13.5 electrodesChlorine, chlorine dioxide, ozone, hydrogen peroxide, peracetic acid amperometric sensors
PG 13.5 pH, ORP or conductivity electrode
Operating pH range:  From pH 2 to pH 12
Operating sample flow rate:  From 30 to 100 l/h (40 l/h is recommended)
Flow adjustment:  Integrated needle valve
Flow control:  Inductive flow controller (recommended option)
Cell material:  Polymethyl-methacrylate (PMMA)
Fittings material:  PVDF

BAMO measuring cell ensures a good distribution of liquid and an easy mounting. Each unit is designed to receive our amperometric sensors and pH/ORP electrodes; Fitted with a needle valve in standard; A flow detector may be added.