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DB Orifice Plate Flow Meter

Brand: BAMO
BAMO Mesures DB Orifice Plate Flow Meter, ISME Malaysia
  • Designed for aggressive fluids
  • Direct reading indicator
  • From DN 50 up to DN 200 pipes
  • Scale amplification from 2 to 10
  • Mounting in all positions
  • Standardized with NF X 10-102 Norm
  • Accuracy ±2.5% full scale
  • Option: Electrical switch counter
Measuring range:  From 2 to 350 m3/h (water)
Accuracy:  ±4%
Repeatability:   ±0.4%
Scale amplitude:  2 to 10
Pressure limit:  10 bar (water at 20°C)
Temperature limit:  50°C (PVC) / 90°C (PPH) / 120°C (PVDF)
Pressure drop:  On request
Orifice plate material (standard):  PVC
Associated flow indicator material:  PVC or polysulfone
Diver material:  PVDF
Bypass material:  Same as the orifice plate
Stop valves material:  Same as the orifice plate
Seals material: EPDM
BORDA injector material:  PVC, PPH or PVDF

Diaphragm is inserted between 2 flanges in the main duct. The differential pressure is transmitted to the exterior via 2 pressure ports on each diaphragm face. This pressure is proportional to the flow rate square in circulation inside of the duct. A flowmeter, mounting in derivation allow a direct reading of the flow rate. To obtain a strictly proportional to the main flow rate, a BORDA injector is insert before or after flowmeter.

This flowmeter can be replaced by a counter, allowing a totalization. Orifices can be only delivered in stainless steel 316L, or with pressure ports directly on steel or stainless steel. Their accuracy is 1%, diameters are from 50 and 60 mm. We supply flowmeter with special graduation for derivated measure on all existing diaphragm, only if specifications are given before graduation.