Our team assisted the client to refurbish and reprogram the existing ultrafiltration (UF) control system to improve serviceability at a leachate treatment plant. The existing control system involves a singular PLC to control entire plant of 3 UF trains. The newly proposed and supplied REMOX control system will control each UF train with its own PLC with the help of a master PLC.
- For this system, OMRON CJ2M PLC is selected for its high I/O density. There are more than 200 I/O involved in this control system.
- System is designed with 3 levels of control, manual switches control, HMI control and lastly SCADA control.
- Each level of control provides an extra layer of redundancy on the control system.
- Each pump is automatically rotated every day and have failure changeover to ensure smooth process as this plant is located remotely and will be manned with very little personnel at site.
- Plant operating parameters such as pH, DO and flow rate is monitored constantly and data is logged inside the SCADA system for future review.
- Two station of SCADA system is provided to allow some redundancy on the SCADA system.