Measuring Dissolved Oxygen (DO) in Immersion Operation

The amount of dissolved oxygen (DO) plays an important role in water quality and the livelihood of aquaculture. DO refers to the total amount of oxygen currently present in the water.

The amount of dissolved oxygen (DO) plays an important role in water quality and the livelihood of aquaculture. DO refers to the total amount of oxygen currently present in the water. In modern monitoring and control systems, optical DO sensors are commonly used.  It uses fluorescence-based detection, providing advantages such as lower maintenance, higher stability, and longer sensor lifespan.

DO sensors are suitable for applications such as urban wastewater treatments (nitrifying / denitrifying process); treatment of industrial effluents; monitoring of surface waters, coastal waters, aquariums; fish farming and aquaculture (fresh water, sea water); drinkable water, etc.

Download BAMO Mesure’s brochure for more information. BAMO Mesures SAS (France) was founded in 1978, currently operating in France and Germany. They specialized in water quality, level, pressure, flow, valve and many more industrial applications. ISME has worked with BAMO since 2011. We are now the authorized sole distributor for Malaysia and  South East Asian countries – Indonesia, Philippines, Singapore, Myanmar, Laos, Cambodia, Brunei and Vietnam).

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